Before drawing the decision to cooperate, it is first of all of KEY IMPORTANCE to meet and see whether a TRUSTFUL and SUCCESSFUL working relationship is feasible. This is the pure basis of any successful coaching/consulting, and while most of the times the answer is “yes”, it is also no shame if the answer is “no”. Sincerity prevails!
In a 2nd step, we will then identify and jointly align on concrete, firm and measurable GOALS of the cooperation and also discuss the APPROACH to it: whether it is more an accompanying COACHING (as one would do e.g. in a phase of personal transition) or whether the situation is as advanced that it requires some very concrete (partially eventually even legal-) CONSULTING, as e.g. in an exit scenario.
In the context of the next sessions (the timing and the number of which will certainly also be pre-aligned), we will develop a specific STRATEGY to the situation with a tangible STEP PLAN attached and will work towards its EXECUTION.
In our final session, we will do another PERSONAL POSITION DETERMINATION and summarize what worked well and how to journey on.